Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm EST
113 Park Street South - Unit 204, Peterborough, ON K9J 3R8
“Stress Free Lease Solutions”

Tired of the landlord always having the upper hand? Tired of being bullied? Level the playing field! With our professional representation you can look forward to lease term renewal!

Our comprehensive lease term renewal service ensures that your interests are protected. Our service is specifically tailored to meet your particular needs and requirements. Relax and enjoy the peace of mind decades of professional experience brings to you. Rest assured that your lease term will be renewed and your future protected on the best terms and conditions possible including:

• The best rental rate possible
• The most free rent, landlords work, and improvement allowance
• The right length of lease term
• The most options to renew the lease term
• The ability to assign the lease

We know how stressful this time is for you. We will guide you all the way through the lease term renewal process, beginning where you are now until your agreement is complete and executed by both parties.

We begin with a thorough and comprehensive analysis of your existing lease documents and your realty leasing market. Based on discussions with you to understand your concerns, we will provide our analysis, recommendations and realistic expectations. Then we will approach your landlord to negotiate the terms and conditions of your renewal, keeping you advised as we progress through the process. When the terms and conditions have been agreed to, we will draft and administer the renewal agreement, confirming with a final binding agreement that your tenancy is renewed on the terms and conditions you agreed to.

Our service is summarized to you in a final professional report that completely describes the result of our work and includes an itemized list of our professional activity on your behalf.

In most cases, our fees represent less than 10% of the savings our professional expertise generates on your behalf!

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